Reading Time: < 1 minutes

A1 Organics is the Front Range community’s compost processor meaning they handle Boulder County’s compost. However, they recently made a change in policy stating they will only be taking food scraps and yard and plant trimmings. This means they will no longer be taking napkins, paper towels or plasticware which were previously accepted. We are making a film that highlights the changes in composting rules from A1 organics and how it affects CU and the front range. The choice to make a short film will allow people to easily access the video and to quickly digest the content. The goal of this film is primarily to inform people of the new changes in policy for composting in the front range and how it will affect them and our community at CU Boulder. We hope this piece will give people a better understanding of why composting is important and to hold CU Boulder accountable for meeting their goal of net zero waste. Students and faculty members need to be aware of how this change in policy affects CU with their composting efforts.